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tv   NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt  NBC  September 8, 2015 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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afternoon as kim davis headedyhome she was asked, was it worth it? >> reporter: davis's lawyers say she plans to be back at work later this week. what's not clear is whether she'll interfere with her deputies issuing those licenses. if she does, she could be back at square one, facing even more jail time and stiff fines. lester? >> all right, gabe, thank you. there's late word that the cerhairman and ceo of united airlines is stepping down amid a corruption investigation. the feds are looking into whether the ceo tried to improperly influence the former head of the por authority by adding flights to a city where he had a vacation home in order to curry favor with him. nbc's tom costello has the story. >> reporter: out of a job this evening, jeff smisek -- >> at united we take great pride in our global network. we're constantly exploring new routes for our customers. >> reporter: the man who ran the nation's third largest airline. smisek and two other 6 executives at
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united forced to step down amid a federal investigation into whether the airline tried to influen a the head of the port authority of new york and new jersey david sampson by adding twice weekly flights from newark to columbia, south carolina where sampson owned a vacation home. cnbc's phil lebeau covers the airline business. >> t re questiol is whether united added flights between newark, new jersey and columbia, south carolina as some sort of quid pro quo as part of the negotiations for extending its leaseoa newark airport. >> reporter: in a statement united airlines says the departures announced today are in connection with the company's previously disclosed internal investigation related to the federal investigation associated with the port authority of new york and new jersey. federal law enforcement sources tell nbc news tonight today's developments are an extension of the bridgegate scand ineslving the portw authority. david samson was forced out of rhe port authoritn last year amid that scandal. un ted's fli ts from newark to columbia ded three days >> ter. smisek being replaced
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on a temporary basis for now by united board member oscar munoe, who's a former railroad executive. lester? >> all right, tom, thanks. now to the race for president andvnews tonight of a shake-up in the campa n latrwil. hillary clinton issuing a new apology about that e-mail controversy while nbc news has learned her campaign is deploying a new strategy. and on the republican side an outsider is surging in the polls though not the outsider you may be thinking of. we have two reports beginning with nbc's andrea mitchell. andrea? >> good evening, lester. hillary clinton is apologizing for using a private server. she's also rebooting her campaign after complaints from donors about the e-mail co gntroanswy and polls no showian bernie saernders pulling ahead of clinton in new hampshire. and possible candidate joe biden doi better than clinton against donald trump. >> thank you for being here. thank you for wearing ellen blue. >> ellen blue it is. >> reporter: hillary clinton tonight taping the "ellen" show to appear thursday. it's all part of a
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campaign reset prompted by falling polls and the e-mail gcontroversy pl trying to show clinton's fwn side with ellen. along with a lighter touch on the campaign trail. >> and off we go, joy floy. >> reporter: and next week with jimmy fallon on "the tonight show." after onths of sounding defensive -- >> the server will remain private. >> reporter: -- or mocking reporters' questions. >> did you wipe the server? >> what, like with a cloth or something? no. >> reporter: even corralling reporters to keep them at bay. now cl ton's decided to do interviews about the e-mails. first with us. >> i take responsibility. i should have had two accounts. one for personal and one for wrk-related. >> reporter: refusing to apologize to the associated press. and now telling abc news david muehr she is sorry she used a ivate server. >> that is a mistake. i'm sorry about that. i take responsibility. >> reporter: ever a campaign aimed at fixing the problems from her last campaign, it's clinton 3.0.
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from the team of her long-time aides and president obama. tv admakers maggie grunwald and jim margolis. campaign chairman john po sta. mpaign manager robbie luke. pollster joe bennington. communications director jennifer palmieri and close adviser houma abedin plus husband bill. fund-raising next week, but so far not mpaigninht do but you know, she is who she is and she can't transform her personality overnight. she shouldn't try. >> reporter: looking ahead, whether joe biden jumps into the race. the fbi investigation to her e ail system and her testimony to congress next month. andrea mitchell, nbc news, washington. this is hallie jackson with the ben carson campaign in san francisco. he's not the loudest voice in the republican race, bu f carson's making plenty of noise. standing alone as the only republican candidate who could win over front-runner donald trump in a head-to-head match-up. second place national and in iowa. a close third in new hampshire.
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>> what makes you unique? how do you separat yourself from the pack? >> i'm not going to be a traditional politician. so i'm not going to do things like traditional politicians do. >> reporter: raised in poverty in inner city detroit by a single mom, a third grade dropout, carson had bad grades and a bad temper. so troubled that at age 14 he tried to stab a classmate for changing a radio station. >> i tried to kill bob. i must be crazy. sane people don't try to kill their friends. >> reporter: he calls that moment a turning point, when he turned to god, finding his faith and his footing academically. eventually rising to a position as chief pediatric neurosurgeon at johns hopkins. a life story so compelling hollywood made a movie about it. already a local celebrity in baltimore, carson rocketed to republican stardom at the national prayer breakfast in 2013. >> here's my solution. >> reporter: challenging obamacare just feet from the president and prescribing a tax plan based on the bible. >> when you pick up my bible, you know what i see?
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i see the fairest individual in the universe, god, and he's given us a system. it's called tithe. >> reporter: his credibility with evangelical voters and his anti-establishment voice, a more soft-spoken one than trump's, promoting a quiet surge. >> ben carson has been sort of in the slipstream, avoiding e spotmaght, avoiding the scruti, ano moving up in the polls. >> reporter: carson does face questions about his lack of litical experience and some of the controversial comments he's made, questions that also dog donald trump. carson was asked today if pe iquld consider trump asla running mate if he gets the nomination. his response, all things are possible. >> hallie jackson, thank you. overseas tonight, the desperate journey of refugees continues. thousands of men, ch women, and chuidren, most of them fleeing the war in syria. they make their way through turk to greece, then north to germany and beyond. but the road is long and dangerous. and in hungary unfriendly. our chief foreign correspondent richard engel was therecioday
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as things boiled over. >> reporter: they've been waiting for days, desperate to continue their journey north. hungarian authorities refusing to let them go. so today hundreds decided to make a run for it. completely frustrated that there's no place to put them, that they're not being allowed to leave the country, some refugees and migrants have just decided to escape and try their luck in the bushes. mothers with children. babies carriad like sacks. they ran from bombs in syria. now they're running again. they're refugees. and now with police chasing them they're fugitives too. abdullah carrying his 1-year-old daughter, worried what would happen if they got ca ht. "they can shoot at us. i'm not going back," he says. but they don't know where they're going, either. they stumble through ditches. at a clearing a mother stops to nurse her baby.
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they move on and split up. in one group we find 10-year-old lava. she says back home in aleppo her entire neighborhood was destroyed. no school to go to. cars pass but don't stop. cyclists don't even look. villagers say they won't help. another group follows the train tracks, assuming they'd eventually lead out of hungary. but the police were waiting for them, in force. exhausted and overpowered, they're encircled and forced onto buses, which take them to a detainment camp as hungary and all of europe wonder how many more are coming. richard engel, nbc news, rodske, hungary. pope francis today announced another big shift for the church. the first significant change in the church's marriage law since the mid 1700s. making it easier for couples to have their marriages annulled. this coming on the heels of new church guidance about forgiving abortion. the latest surprise
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ahead of the pope's highly anticipated visit to the u.s. nbc's anne thompson has details. >> reporter: francis, building on his reputation as the pope of mercy, today streamlined the annulment process for divorced catholics. 25% of american catholics are divorced. and almost half of the annulment cases in the church are from the u.s. father dave dwyer, a radio host on the catholic channel, says divorce and annulments make the phone lin light up. >> why is this such a hot topic? >> sam so many people feel that they ,re away from the church, cannot participate in the sacrament, cannot receive communion until they get an annulment. >> reporter: but if they get an annulment and remarry they can southeast sacrament. under the new process the mandatory second review of an annulment decision is eliminated and bishops can now quickly decide cases when both spouses seek the annulment or no one contests it. lisa duffy got a divorce and started the annulment process in 1994, eventually writing a book about it.
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>> the charge for the annulment process was $600. and it was steep for me. the whole process was right around two years long. >> reporter: now the process should take a year. and pope francis wants it to be free. >> this is going to help more catholics come into full communion with the church. and that is a wonderful, beautiful thing. >> reporter: while the process is simpler, the criteria for granting an annulment has not changed. trying to make sure when couples separate they are not separate from their faith. anne thompson, nbc news, new york. the city of baltimore has agreed to pay the family of freddie gray $6.4 million. the proposed settlement pending the approval of a city spending board comes five months after gray suffered a fatal spinal injury while in police custody, sparking spark ing days of unrest. separately six baltimore police officers face criminal
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charges stemming from his death. baltimore's fraternal 0rd of police calls the deal obscene and urged the board to reject it. still ahead tonight for the first time we're hearing from a police officer accused of gunning down a fleeing man. his defense claiming there's more to that now infamous video that you haven't seen. also, serena williams has one of the crowning achievements in all of sports in her sights, but first she has to get past her own moderate to severe crohn's disease is tough, but i've managed. except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. and when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. and that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested
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for the first time tonight we are hearing from the now former
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officer in a video that shocked the nation. michael slager is facing murder charges for gunning down walter scott as a bystander captured it on his phone. now slager's attorneys say there is more than meets the eye in that video and in documents filed just hours ago they're giving us a first look at his defense. nbc's craig melvin has the details. >> show me your license. >> reporter: when walter scott was stopped for a broken taillight last april he took off running. former north charleston police officer michael slager gave chase and about a minute later the two men are captured on cell phone video by a bystander. in a recent video conference with his attorney andy savage slager defended his actions. >> just that three seconds of that video came out and everybody thought i was racist and got out of my car anwhd just shot him in the back for no reason. >> reporter: in documents filed today savage argues the state's own evidence shows officer slager did not commit murder. in never-before-seen fbi analysis of that video obtained by nbc news blurry frames are
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rotated and enhanced. attorney savage says it reveals a scuffle. >> they were both on the ground. it wasn't just firing a shot at the distance. it was a close-in physical confrontation. >> reporter: the attorney also says the state found scott's dna on slager's taser. they say this supports slager's claim that scott used it against the officer. >> he took two five-second bursts, scott toward slager, before he gave up the weapon. rpt. >> reporter: and the attorney says state investigators found gunshot residue on walter scott's hands. what's more, the state toxicology report showed scott had cocaine and alcohol in his system when slager shot him. >> why did he take his pistol out and shoot? >> because he was threatened. >> reporter: but scott's family says whatever the evidence before and after the shooting might show, slager murdered a man running away from him and should stay in jail. >> the context to this situation is already caught on tape. everything else we've seen is distraction information, trying to
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make people think that whatever transpired before is actually relevant and important. but it's not. >> reporter: today the prosecutor says she will not join the media sideshow and her focus remains on presenting the evidence in a proper way and time. craig melvin, nbc news, north charleston, south carolina. we're back in a moment with a thermometer-popping heat wave at home and the deadly sand storm of epic proportions overseas. when i started at the shelter, i noticed benny right away. i just had to adopt him. he's older so he needs my help all day. when my back pain flared up we both felt it i took tylenol at first but i had to take 6 pills to get through the day. then my friend said "try aleve". just two pills, all day. and now, i'm back for my best bud! aleve. all day strong and try aleve pm, now with an easy open cap. so you're a small business expert from at&t?
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post labor day we have reached the unofficial end of summer, but mother nature didn't get the memo. sweltering temperatures across much of the country including several new daily record highs. a toasty 97 degrees in new york city and 96 in boston. cooler air is on the way for the midwest and the plains starting tomorrow. and the east later in the week. a colossal sandstorm is choking
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much of the middle east. so big it can be seen from space. it's blamed for at least eight deaths as people from israel to western iraq shield their faces in the streets and try to find cover. the dusty haze blotting out buildings and reducing visibility on the roads to almost nothing. president obama will probably never take the white house kitchen for granted after dining on raw salmon. in this newly released clip from nbc's "running wild with bear grylls." it was left over by a different bear, the kind with sharp teeth and claws. the upcoming episode was.ted during the president's visit to alaska last week. when we come back, sister versus sister high drama as venus and serena face off under the lights with a shot at history on the line. i'm always there for my daughter. for the little things. and the big milestones. and just like i'm there for her, pacific life is there to help protect me and my family
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a sister versus sister showdown under the lights. with history on the line. nbc's stephanie gosk is at the u.s. open. >> reporter: serena and venus both like to point out a williams sister is going to the u.s. open semifinal. but there is a flip side, of course. a williams sister isn't going to the semifinals as well. and in this tournament there is more on the line than ever before. serena is poised to win a grand slam, four major victories in a calendar year. the last female player to do that was steffi graf in 1988. and venus is playing great tennis. she hasn't won a major tournament in seven years. >> i can't even imagine how they do it. they are the very best of friends. i mean, from the time they first showed up on the tour they were so respectful of each other and so loyal. >> i'm so proud of serena, and i think she's proud of me. and we inspire each other. >> reporter: before becoming tennis greats they were just sisters. growing up in compton,
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learning the sport. >> i like tennis a lot. and i think i want to play all the time. >> reporter: playing against each other long before it became so important. >> i feel like i shouldn't be holding the trophy, like i can't believe i'm holding it and venus isn't. >> reporter: and now there is recognition that after years of facing off professionally this great sibling rivalry may be coming to a close. >> i'm 33 and she just turned 35. and you know, i don't know how many more moments like this we'll have. >> reporter: tennis fans likely feel the same way. >> serena. >> i want veen tous win to win. she's got to have a comeback. >> it really is hard. >> why? >> because i like them both. >> a victory is bittersweet. still a sister to cheer for. stephanie gosk, nbc news, new york. >> that is going to do it for us on this tuesday night. i'm lester holt. for all of us at nbc news, thank you for watching, and good night.
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ellen degeneres drops a bomb on howard stern. >> her first ever interview with radio's bad boy.
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she gets deeply personal. now on "extra." ellen opens up about her dark family secret. >> all this stuff made me a very strong person. >> the story you have never heard about her first girlfriend and the famous guy who tried to date her. >> i'm in new york city as ellen takes over the big apple with one big star after another. >> new celebrity break-up. jon hamm and his girlfriend jennifer westfeldt splitting after 18 years. what went wrong? plus, tom and giselle take on the divorce rumors today. joy behar's big tv return. >> hey, guys. we are on the set of "the view." talking trump, hillary. >> she really likes me. just saying. >> plus, steve harvey's big warning for the donald.
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>> do you know how many panties you had on your head in your life? >> plus, renee on the set of "the voice" breaking news about rihanna. but what triggered this? >> want to to out for drinks? >> this is "extra" at universal studios hollywood, the entertainment capital of l.a. >> i'm mario lopez from new york city at our studio in times square. >> coming up, new photos from a surprise weekend wedding. guess who tied the knot. coming up, jane fonda going after bill cosby. what the oscar winner says cosby deserves. >> first, ellen degeneres is here in new york for a week of all-star shows. today she did something she's never done before. she had an interview with howard stern. here's jerry. >> the king of all media, the queen of talk tv. their first face-to-face. her stunning confessions to stern. >> this stuff made me a strong person. >> 27-time emmy winner ellen degeneres revealing details
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about abuse suffered at the hands of her step-father saying at first her mother betty didn't believer her. >> i knew it would have destroyed her on top of breast cancer to say the man you married is -- so i waited because i thought i wanted to protect her. >> ellen opening up about revelations made to barbara walters. >> one night tried to break the door down. i had to kick the window out, sleep in a hospital overnight. >> confessing she turned to prayer after the death of her first love. >> my girlfriend at the time was killed in a car accident. i passed the accident on the way home. >> ellen on stern's sirius xm show on a big apple media blitz for her huge new season, surprising new yorkers at columbia university andberg dorf goodman and revealing david spade had a crush on her. >> he's not good at flirting. >> no game. >> no.


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